Saturday, April 3, 2010

TVP Team report

The TVP team to work with MNA in Carrefour Haiti went to help renovate the building for future team use. The shipping container with the supplies got held up in the port, so the team had to improvise, and was still able to get much work done.
A few comments from the team:
"We were privileged to be able to serve God in Haiti. The people there are appreciative of the work we’re doing and it’s a great opportunity to be the hands and feet of Christ. When they say “Thank You” in French it is “Merci” and is a constant reminder of God’s mercy toward us, for which we say “merci”. The task before us is so overwhelming it will take countless volunteers many years to give the people back their country."
"It was an experience that I must say has changed me deeply. I think it is important for people to in the U.S. to know that Christianity is vibrantly alive among the people there. I was astounded to see the name of Jesus displayed so proudly on almost every building and public vehicle and the worship service that we attended there was one that I will never forget. It was awesome to see that through all of their troubles, our brothers and sisters in Haiti worship God in such great joy and truth."
"The children, the hope the children have."
"What I was most impressed with was the Haitian people..even though they live in a ten by ten make shift shelter, their clothes are always clean and they are very well groomed. Given their circumstance, it is a credit to their integrity to take pride in their appearance !"

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